Thursday, July 2, 2009

Horses Hands-On: Care and Anatomy

"Horses Hands-on; Care and Anatomy" a week long horse camp offered by Saturday Academy comes to Mauna Lio Ranch. There are 10 girls and 1 boy being mentored by Melissa in horsey things and by Dr. Barbara Shaw of Portland State University on their anatomy, adaptations and evolution.

The class departs from Portland State University at 9:00am and returns by 4:00pm. It takes at least 40 minutes to get from PSU to Mauna Lio Ranch.

The class description reads:

Spend a week at a horse ranch.

Each morning in the stables learn how to care for and manage horses, including safety. grooming. stable care, and how to tack up. Every afternoon, study the science behind horses -- their adaptations and evolution are a remarkable story of lineage. Examine the fossil record to explore the many species of horses that were once alive, from the tiny fox-sized Hyracotherium to the modern horse of today. Explore the Anatomy of the horses and investigate the structure and function of their organ systems. Finally, learn about their behavior, collecting data to answer questions about herd life.

Instructors: Barbara Shaw has a PhD in evolutionary biology/paleontology. Shehas developed curricula and taught science for over 19 years for youth organizations, science museums, national wildlife organizations, and Portland State University. Currently at PSU, she teaches teachers how to incorporate inquiry-based science in their classroom. Melissa Emang has been a horsewoman all her life and is the owner of Mauna Lio Ranch in Newberg, OR.

Course #9734: M- Th, June 29 - July 2, 2009; 9:00am - 4:00pm

Entering Grades: 5-8

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